Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A prisoner unaware

Hot vanilla tea, window open and the damp breeze blowing in, a deliciously warm, soft blanket, and an eye-opening book to start my day. The morning of champions, right there!

Have you ever had one of those moments where you are reading a book and a phrase, quote, line, whatever, stops you dead in your tracks? Like, "Whoa, okay God, I hear ya loud and clear!", and you know right then that line was written for the very second it meets your eyes. I had one of these moments today. God is always surprising me with cool stuff like that and I find it so incredibly wrong not to share.

Anyway, I was reading this morning a book called Breaking Free by Beth Moore. I kid you not, I am only 6 pages in and the content of this book already is jumping off the page and smacking me in the face. On the first page she writes about how marveled she is that she once thought that the only captive people were the spiritually lost. Wait, what? You're telling me that I am a Christian, and I am still fighting captivity? Say it isn't so! I think that is something we Christians like to forget about, or maybe we just don't like to think about it. Yes, we are saved from an eternity in hell, but every day we wake up, we are one little mistake here, and one little compromise there from being the worst kind of captive; a prisoner unaware, the easiest prey there is.

So today, my heart cry is that God would pry open my comfortably closed mind from the inside out. I want His presence in my life to be evident in a big way so that I do not become a prisoner unaware of my captivity. I want to be walking in His will with an open mind. I am going to be honest with you, I am shaking in my boots. I am scared to death! But that is okay with God. He sees our fears and insecurities and understands that we are scared. But I am constantly reminded by the Spirit in my weak moments that I can shed a few tears and be terrified out of my mind, but if I follow His will, He has victory for me.

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