Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Control freak.

I am a control freak.

I absolutely cannot stand it when I don't have control of the outcome of a situation. I am terrified of the unknown. If I can't verbally talk myself through it, I go a little bit insane.

The sad part is I'm not over-pitching this. I genuinely have this overcoming fear that if I am not in charge of every situation in my life, my world will crash and burn. You see, that's a huge problem. By constantly desiring to have control of my life, I'm not letting God be God. Without faith, I am not believing God is God.  Hold the phone! If that doesn't eat at your spirit, I don't know what will!

We can't just pick and choose the parts of our lives we give to the Lord and the ones we keep without it affecting our relationship with Him. Surrendering completely means faith unwavering. Faith that God can and will do everything He said He'd do. Without faith, we are a broken tool for the Kingdom of Heaven.

As much as we fight it, we can't change the fact that God has been and always will be in control. Even in those yucky days, He is presently in control. He never leaves. Scripture tells us that
He never sleeps, never naps.
He is never somewhere else, He's omnipresent.
He is never too weak, He is all powerful.
He is never confused, He is all-knowing.
If he weren't in control of all things, He wouldn't be God of all things.

So today, I promise to stop being a worry-wart. I promise to continue to live out each and every for the one purpose of completing His will. I promise to let God be God today, tomorrow, and every day until He calls me home.

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