Yeah, you read that correctly. Last night I attended a seminar on campus by the wonderful Dr. Carter, and she had some very interesting things to say. Throughout the whole seminar I was itchin' to share all of this with you. That being said, let's talk about the big, fat elephant in the room. Get this...
God is a sexual entity. Let that marinade for a minute.
He created sex.
And He created sex to be enjoyed, post-marriage of course.
WHOA. Kinda gross, right? It shouldn't be. I was talking to one of my friends the other day about sex after marriage. We both agreed that when we finally get married, sex being "allowed" will be one of the hardest parts to get used to. We have both grown up being taught that sex is forbidden, and it should be forbidden before marriage. But it makes sense that we would think that way! The reason that the words "sex" and "christian" don't go together today is because of the church. Before you decide to stop reading and chew me out, let me explain. I feel as though the church is in constant competition with the world. The world says sex before marriage is a necessity; the church's reply is either non-existent, or it's that sex is bad. If we don't start talking about sex in the church, people are going to look elsewhere for the answers to those hard questions. They need to know, instead of us only saying "NO!". If we want the younger generations to know the difference between right and wrong we should be open to discussing these things. I would much rather have my siblings (whom are 17) come to me to talk about sex than their peers, because a good bit of their peers are already sexually active and have been for years. You might say that it is inappropriate to discuss the beauty of sex with someone who isn't married. Well, I couldn't disagree more. Instead of teaching that it is forbidden we should teach that it is God-designed, it is beautiful, it's for the marriage bed only, and that it is infinitely more special if it's SAVED for that.
So, for all you single ladies and fellas out there; you wanna be a sexy christian? The absolute sexiest thing you can do is wait for your future husband or wife. I mean, completely wait. No pushing the envelope.
Ladies, keeping your body a secret is sexy. Your husband will love you even more for only sharing that with him. And fellas, keeping your mind pure is sexy. Your wife will love you so much more for sheltering your thoughts and allowing her to be the only lady that you intimately involve in them.
Now go be a sexy christian today.
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