Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Victory in surrender

Well ladies and gents, this is my 5th draft for this post. My thoughts have been so jumbled all day today as I have been trying to put together the words that God has laid on my heart to share. So here's my disclaimer, please excuse the lack of structure!

I've been reading a book by Beth Moore titled Breaking Free, which has inspired a good amount of my thoughts for this post.

As much as we don't want to admit it, we Christians have a terrible tendency to forget what God has done in our lives. Yes, for a season we are humbled. But what happens when that season passes? We begin to think that we have done something right for God to have been so good to us. Our self righteousness will not work well or long. But what we don't realize is there is absolutely nothing we can do to earn His love and grace, therefore there is nothing we can do to lose it!

I want to encourage you to ask God on a daily basis to keep you humble, even if you are unaware of the presence of pride, and that he may prepare you for the discomfort humility involves. I will be honest with you; the thought of being unawarefully proud terrifies me. I don't want a single word I share with you on this site to be interpreted as "Haley's words". I don't want the credit; to God be all the glory. From all previous posts and all to come. For every word that drips from my mouth, and my every action through out each and every day.

My prayer tonight is that all of us will be willing vessels for Him, and that we never forget all of the things He has done for us. I pray that He will teach us humility, even with all of the discomfort that comes with it. That we may all discover the victory in total surrender.