Thoughts & such

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The ultimate dichotomy...

As each day comes and goes I am more and more aware that my college career is rapidly coming to an end. In the midst of this time in my life I am overwhelmed with post-graduation thoughts and concerns, primarily in the aspect of finances.
Where will I find employment?
Will I ever get these wretched loans paid off?
Should I move home after I graduate?
Will I ever be able to afford the future life I've created for myself on Pinterest?!
I am sure that many of you can relate!
...and then it hits me. Matthew 6:24
"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate one and love the other, or you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

As Christians we are so quick to preach this, but how easy it is for this generation to fall captive to money! We spend 4 (or more) years preparing to walk across the stage for a piece of paper that certifies the time, effort, energy and finances we have sacrificed to attain an education which we hope will bring us to a state of financial stability and success in our careers. Of course we are going to be driven by money, success is measured by money. This has been drilled into our brains since our kindergarten teacher asked us "what do you want to be when you grow up?"...and so the seed has been sewn. It's like the ultimate rat race; we are mice on a wheel chasing cheese and once we get it, we only want more of it. It's a toxic cycle of "make more money, have more nice things", what beautiful music to Satan's ears. I think our viewpoints on money and success would be vastly different if we chose to view it as a resource from God that He has entrusted to us, instead of the earnings of our hard work. Just as we are accountable when we borrow something from a friend, we will be held accountable for the way we handle all the resources that God has blessed us with.

This ultimate dichotomy is a matter of perspective and choice. We can choose now to be a slave for God who is free from anxiety and seek first the Kingdom of Righteousness and everlasting treasure, while always remembering that our resources are not our own. Or we can be held captive by greed and perpetual anxiety, failing to acknowledge God and therefore blind to His eternal order and living as self pleasing individuals. Right here is where rubber meets the road. Who are you choosing to serve?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

ALL to Him I owe...

Taken from Radical by David Platt

"Picture Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. As he kneels before his Father, drops of sweat and blood fall together from his head. Why is he in such agony and pain? The answer is not because he is afraid of crucifixion. He is not trembling because of what the Roman soldiers are about to do to him.

Since that day countless men and women in history of Christianity have died for their faith. Some of them were not just hung on crosses; they were burned there. Many of them went to their crosses singing.

Did these men and women in Christian history have more courage than Christ himself? Why was he trembling in that garden, weeping full of anguish? We can rest assured that he was not a coward about to face Roman soldiers. Instead he was a savior about to endure divine wrath.

Listen to his words: "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me." The "cup" is not a reference to a wooden cross; it is a reference to divine judgment. It is the cup of God's wrath.

This is what Jesus is recoiling from in the garden. All God's holy wrath and hatred toward sin and sinners, stored up since the beginning of the world, is about to be poured out on him, and he is sweating blood at the thought of it.

What happened at the Cross was not primarily about nails being thrust into Jesus' hands and feet but about the wrath due your sin and my sin being thrust upon his soul. In that holy moment, all the righteous wrath and justice of God due us came rushing down like a torrent on Christ himself. Some say, "God looked down and could not bear to see the suffering that the soldiers were inflicting in Jesus, so he turned away." But this is not true. God turned away because he could not bear to see your sin and my sin on his son.

This is the gospel. The just and loving Creator of the universe has looked upon hopelessly sinful people and sent his Son, God in the flesh, to bear his wrath against sin on the cross and to show his power over sin in the Resurrection so that all who trust in him will be reconciled to God forever.

So how do we respond to this gospel? Suddenly contemporary Christianity sales pitches don't seem adequate anymore. Ask Jesus to come into your heart. Invite Jesus to come into your life. Pray this prayer, sign this card, walk down this aisle, and accept Jesus as your personal Savior. Our attempt to reduce this gospel to a shrink-wrapped presentation that persuades someone to say or pray the right things back to us no longer seems appropriate.

That is why none of these man-made catch phrases are in the Bible. You will not find a verse in Scripture where people are told to "bow your heads, close your eyes, and repeat after me." You will not find a place where a superstitious sinner's prayer is even mentioned. And you will not find an emphasis on accepting Jesus. We have taken the infinitely glorious Son of God, who endured the infinitely terrible wrath of God and who now reigns as the infinitely worthy Lord of all, and we have reduced him to a poor, puny Savior who is just begging for us to accept him.

Accept him? Do we really think Jesus needs our acceptance? Don't we need him?

I invite you to consider with me a proper response to this gospel. Surely more than praying a prayer is involved. Surely more than religious attendance is warranted. Surely this gospel evokes unconditional surrender of all that we are and all that we have to all that he is."

Friday, November 4, 2011


Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Matthew 7:1-2

Are you finding yourself living with a critical spirit today? How frequently are you passing judgment on others, without legitimate knowledge of their situation? Even further, how likely are you to discuss another persons predicaments without their direct permission? I am willing to bet that a good majority of us Christians are as guilty as anyone else when it comes to being critical of others.   

“Why do you criticize and pass judgment on your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God. Then let us no more criticize and blame and pass judgment on one another, but rather decide and endeavor never to put a stumbling block or an obstacle or a hindrance in the way of a brother. 
Romans 14:10-13

I pray that these words bring your mind to a screeching halt the next time you begin to judge or criticize others. You will never fully know the content of another persons heart, therefore hold no right to criticize their decisions. Furthermore, I pray that you think before you pass judgment, and remember that scripture warns us to not be a hindrance to His followers. 

Have you ever noticed how we do not judge ourselves in the same context as we judge others? When we judge ourselves we tend to look at our intentions, yet when we look at others, we judge immediately by their actions. Judgment is not yours to pass. I pray that from today forward you will let your actions reflect your good intentions and be content with only judging yourself in order to align your walk with His Word. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you; Do unto others as YOU would do unto YOU.

As the Bible says in Isaiah 26:3, God does not promise a peaceful heart to those who dwell in the faults of others, but only to those whose minds are stayed on Him!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Sexy Christians

Yeah, you read that correctly. Last night I attended a seminar on campus by the wonderful Dr. Carter, and she had some very interesting things to say. Throughout the whole seminar I was itchin' to share all of this with you. That being said, let's talk about the big, fat elephant in the room. Get this...

God is a sexual entity. Let that marinade for a minute.
He created sex.
And He created sex to be enjoyed, post-marriage of course.

WHOA. Kinda gross, right? It shouldn't be. I was talking to one of my friends the other day about sex after marriage. We both agreed that when we finally get married, sex being "allowed" will be one of the hardest parts to get used to. We have both grown up being taught that sex is forbidden, and it should be forbidden before marriage. But it makes sense that we would think that way! The reason that the words "sex" and "christian" don't go together today is because of the church. Before you decide to stop reading and chew me out, let me explain. I feel as though the church is in constant competition with the world. The world says sex before marriage is a necessity; the church's reply is either non-existent, or it's that sex is bad. If we don't start talking about sex in the church, people are going to look elsewhere for the answers to those hard questions. They need to know, instead of us only saying "NO!". If we want the younger generations to know the difference between right and wrong we should be open to discussing these things. I would much rather have my siblings (whom are 17) come to me to talk about sex than their peers, because a good bit of their peers are already sexually active and have been for years. You might say that it is inappropriate to discuss the beauty of sex with someone who isn't married. Well, I couldn't disagree more. Instead of teaching that it is forbidden we should teach that it is God-designed, it is beautiful, it's for the marriage bed only, and that it is infinitely more special if it's SAVED for that.

So, for all you single ladies and fellas out there; you wanna be a sexy christian? The absolute sexiest thing you can do is wait for your future husband or wife. I mean, completely wait. No pushing the envelope.
Ladies, keeping your body a secret is sexy. Your husband will love you even more for only sharing that with him. And fellas, keeping your mind pure is sexy. Your wife will love you so much more for sheltering your thoughts and allowing her to be the only lady that you intimately involve in them.

Now go be a sexy christian today.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Control freak.

I am a control freak.

I absolutely cannot stand it when I don't have control of the outcome of a situation. I am terrified of the unknown. If I can't verbally talk myself through it, I go a little bit insane.

The sad part is I'm not over-pitching this. I genuinely have this overcoming fear that if I am not in charge of every situation in my life, my world will crash and burn. You see, that's a huge problem. By constantly desiring to have control of my life, I'm not letting God be God. Without faith, I am not believing God is God.  Hold the phone! If that doesn't eat at your spirit, I don't know what will!

We can't just pick and choose the parts of our lives we give to the Lord and the ones we keep without it affecting our relationship with Him. Surrendering completely means faith unwavering. Faith that God can and will do everything He said He'd do. Without faith, we are a broken tool for the Kingdom of Heaven.

As much as we fight it, we can't change the fact that God has been and always will be in control. Even in those yucky days, He is presently in control. He never leaves. Scripture tells us that
He never sleeps, never naps.
He is never somewhere else, He's omnipresent.
He is never too weak, He is all powerful.
He is never confused, He is all-knowing.
If he weren't in control of all things, He wouldn't be God of all things.

So today, I promise to stop being a worry-wart. I promise to continue to live out each and every for the one purpose of completing His will. I promise to let God be God today, tomorrow, and every day until He calls me home.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Brace yourselves...

As I have laid in bed for the past 48 hours completely immobile as a result of the all powerful Influenza, I have caught up on my share of Facebook and Twitter creepin'. Needless to say, I am slightly uncomfortable with some of the things I have seen. The endless pictures of girls in skimpy dresses, suggestive status updates, and flirtatious wall posts are absolutely exhausting. And the sad part is, I didn't have to go far down my timeline to see all of these things. It's everywhere. And you girls who behave like that wonder why you only attract jerks. When you act superficial, you get superficial. No man that's worth your time wants superficiality. Get it together, ladies.

Listen to me closely.
You are beautiful.
You are a treasure.
You are worthy to be pursued.
And you don't have to make a showcase of yourself for others to see that.
You deserve to have everything you've ever wanted in a man, and you will.
But you'll have to...
Stop trying to be hot, instead of beautiful.
Be mysterious.
Be you.
And love God, above all else.

A woman who fears and loves the Lord is far more beautiful because of her Godliness than a woman who spends too much time in front of the mirror. I promise you, any guy will agree with me on this one. And if he doesn't, then you need to run. Fast.

Now boys, control yourselves. Everyone knows that you don't always think with your brains. But for real, step your game up. "Wifey material" isn't attracted to trash. So quit complimenting the sleazy girls' pictures, stop saying things you don't mean, and get your mind out of the bedroom. A real lady likes a conversation and a man with substance, not a project.

Bottom line, be the man or woman your future spouse deserves to have and nothing less.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Victory in surrender

Well ladies and gents, this is my 5th draft for this post. My thoughts have been so jumbled all day today as I have been trying to put together the words that God has laid on my heart to share. So here's my disclaimer, please excuse the lack of structure!

I've been reading a book by Beth Moore titled Breaking Free, which has inspired a good amount of my thoughts for this post.

As much as we don't want to admit it, we Christians have a terrible tendency to forget what God has done in our lives. Yes, for a season we are humbled. But what happens when that season passes? We begin to think that we have done something right for God to have been so good to us. Our self righteousness will not work well or long. But what we don't realize is there is absolutely nothing we can do to earn His love and grace, therefore there is nothing we can do to lose it!

I want to encourage you to ask God on a daily basis to keep you humble, even if you are unaware of the presence of pride, and that he may prepare you for the discomfort humility involves. I will be honest with you; the thought of being unawarefully proud terrifies me. I don't want a single word I share with you on this site to be interpreted as "Haley's words". I don't want the credit; to God be all the glory. From all previous posts and all to come. For every word that drips from my mouth, and my every action through out each and every day.

My prayer tonight is that all of us will be willing vessels for Him, and that we never forget all of the things He has done for us. I pray that He will teach us humility, even with all of the discomfort that comes with it. That we may all discover the victory in total surrender.

Friday, July 29, 2011

There is nothing like Your love...

Well, by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin I have managed to squeeze two blogs in the month of July... Not gonna lie, I am pretty impressed with that, considering the schedule I've been working with! I hope that everyone is having a good summer.

I've been reading a book by Max Lucado titled "Life to the MAX", which inspired the following post. It's free on the iBooks app for iPhone, so if you haven't downloaded it, you need to. The first chapter will knock your socks off.

I think one of the biggest things I struggle with is finding the unconditional, always-consistent kind of love in the flesh. I search everywhere; family, friends, co-workers... you get the point. I expect everyone to love each other whole heartedly no matter the circumstances, and let me tell you it has been the biggest disappointment to date! In one of the more recent let-downs, God showed me this amazing message in Life to the MAX. I know it's long...but it's worth the read:

"Human love is convenient. It suits the needs of the person at the time and works into his schedule.

God's love is eternal. You are always on God's itinerary. Come and go as you wish, but He is always there.

Human love is limited. It can love only as much as it wants to give.

God's love is unlimited. He has ample amounts of love and even uses words like abundant when talking about pouring out His love on people.

Human love is emotional. Feelings dominate a human's love landscape. We feel as though we are in love, or we don't feel as though we are in love. Hormones, sleeplessness, worry, past hurts, Mexican food- all complicate these emotions.

God's love is committed. While God has feelings for us, His feelings don't dictate His love. His love is based on a decision to love us. Your actions don't increase or decrease His commitment. His love is a deeper and more secure love than the fluctuating Ferris wheel of feeling.

Human love is selfish. It must suit our needs and be there for us. To love, we must be loved.

God's love is unselfish. In fact, if you never love God, He will still love you. Your love has no bearing on the amount of love He lavishes on you.

One thing human love has going for it is that you can see it-- in the twinkling of your father's eye, in the smile of a spouse, in the joy of your children's voices.
God's love is just as real but not as tangible. We will see it, in time and for eternity, as we gaze at the face of God and His Son, Jesus Christ, while we stand in His presence in heaven."

What I am trying to say, is that if we are constantly looking for unconditional love in human love... we are constantly going to be disappointed. I don't want to let another day go by being lonely and disappointed with the love of my family and friends when I have the most eternal, unlimited, committed, unselfish, abundant love from the Father with me everywhere I go. He's not a fair-weathered kinda guy. What more could I ask for?

This is the kind of love that I want people to see in me. I want my every word and action to show His perfectly unlimited love. There is a real shortage in the distribution of this kind of love on earth, and I do not want to be the reason that someone I encounter never sees Christ's love in his or her lifetime.

Make it your mission to be Jesus today.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A little louder, Lord...

About time, right? I must apologize for being so neglectful to Rendezvous with me, I assure you it won't happen again!

I don't have a lengthy post for you today, just a few questions.  

When God speaks, are you listening?
Or are you one of the many that say, "Just a little louder, Lord."?
How loud does He have to be for you to fully commit to His will? 
It's not your hearing that is failing you; you're hearing Him correctly.
When you fail to trust the Creator after He says He has a plan for you, you miss out on the blessings of His will.
That's not something I dare miss out on.
God has a better ending to the story He's written you than any story you could write for yourself.

Trust Him, trust His will, and let the blessings flow.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A prisoner unaware

Hot vanilla tea, window open and the damp breeze blowing in, a deliciously warm, soft blanket, and an eye-opening book to start my day. The morning of champions, right there!

Have you ever had one of those moments where you are reading a book and a phrase, quote, line, whatever, stops you dead in your tracks? Like, "Whoa, okay God, I hear ya loud and clear!", and you know right then that line was written for the very second it meets your eyes. I had one of these moments today. God is always surprising me with cool stuff like that and I find it so incredibly wrong not to share.

Anyway, I was reading this morning a book called Breaking Free by Beth Moore. I kid you not, I am only 6 pages in and the content of this book already is jumping off the page and smacking me in the face. On the first page she writes about how marveled she is that she once thought that the only captive people were the spiritually lost. Wait, what? You're telling me that I am a Christian, and I am still fighting captivity? Say it isn't so! I think that is something we Christians like to forget about, or maybe we just don't like to think about it. Yes, we are saved from an eternity in hell, but every day we wake up, we are one little mistake here, and one little compromise there from being the worst kind of captive; a prisoner unaware, the easiest prey there is.

So today, my heart cry is that God would pry open my comfortably closed mind from the inside out. I want His presence in my life to be evident in a big way so that I do not become a prisoner unaware of my captivity. I want to be walking in His will with an open mind. I am going to be honest with you, I am shaking in my boots. I am scared to death! But that is okay with God. He sees our fears and insecurities and understands that we are scared. But I am constantly reminded by the Spirit in my weak moments that I can shed a few tears and be terrified out of my mind, but if I follow His will, He has victory for me.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Life on life's terms.

So as I am waiting for my wonderfully delicious Egyptian cotton sheets to dry, I found myself using the most amazing tool on the web, Stumble Upon. I, for lack of better words, stumbled upon a list that a lady created of lessons that life has taught her. So hey, here's mine; a lesson for every year.

1. It's not okay to be angry with God. But He can take it, even if you are.
2. Life. Isn't. Fair.
3. When life sucks, take baby steps. Nobody expects you to leap in your weak moments.
4. Don't ever compare your life to someone elses. Just don't. You have no idea what they're going through.
5. Life is too short to be lukewarm, so get busy living or get busy dying.
6. Forgive every chance possible.
7. Cry, when necessary.
8. Finding a balance in everything is the key to success.
9. Chocolate is good for the soul, I don't care what you say!!
10. A messy room=a scattered brain.
11. If you know what you want, go for it. And don't take no for an answer.
12. Take time to live. Appreciate the little things.
13. You don't have to be friends with everybody, but you do have to love them.
14. Silence isn't always golden.
15. Change is good, although it doesn't always feel that way.
16. Envy is a waste of time. If God wanted you to have something, He'd give it to you.
17. God's timing for everything is absolutely perfect. Don't question Him.
18. Do what you love, and don't settle.
19. Always let the past be the past.
20. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst in everyone and everything.
21. Don't slow down, and don't look back. Life just keeps on moving.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


“Look at you. You’re young. And you’re scared. Why are you so scared? Stop being paralyzed. Stop swallowing your words. Stop caring what other people think. Wear what you want. Say what you want. Listen to the music you want to listen to. Play it loud and dance to it. Go out for a drive at midnight and forget that you have school the next day. Stop waiting for Friday. Live now. Do it now. Take risks. Tell secrets. This life is yours. When are you going to realize that you can do whatever you want?” -Unknown

I'm on a search for peace & self discovery, hello step one.
Since we only live once, I vow to live every day, every moment to the very fullest. I am done letting others control my life and my decisions, because I am the only one who has to live with the decisions I make. I am done caring what others think of me, I don't need anyone's approval but my Father's. I'm not going to be afraid to disagree or to say what you don't want to hear. I will be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. I'm going to be a little bit reckless, but within reason of course. I'm going to set and attain my biggest and littlest goals. I'm going to act my age. I'll eat til I can't eat anymore, then swear I'll never do it again when I'm burning it off on the treadmill. I will love whole-heartedly. I'll be spontaneous. I'm gonna live like I'm free. 
No regrets.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A beautiful sadness

"I love life . . . I'm sad, but at the same time I'm really happy that something could make me feel that sad. It's like, it makes me feel alive, you know? It makes me feel human. And the only way I could feel this sad now is if I felt somethin' really good before. So I have to take the bad with the good, so I guess what I'm feelin' is like a, beautiful sadness. I guess that sounds stupid."
-Butters, SP 

Monday, February 28, 2011

Sweet, sweet changes

Caramel Frapps from Starbucks, gigglin' with my favorite girls, a brand new tune that rocks my socks off, ya know, the really good ones that get put on repeat for hours, a good book and a warm blanket, new beginnings, and wearing orange nail polish just to remind me that spring is near, ...these things, my sweet friends, are my current cup o' tea. These are the things that keep me moving. On this dreary Monday afternoon, I am pulling through by the strength of these very little things. They make me happy. I am realizing that it truly is the littlest things that have the biggest impact in my life, and that is a first for me!

Today, I verbally said "I am changing" while casually in a conversation with a friend. These words have so much power in my life today, and every other day for that matter. I am not who I was. For the first time in my life, I can say that I am happy with me; just me. I'm not happy because someone else has made me that way, I am happy because I choose to be.

I am living by these words every single day. I have them plastered into my mind as I am reaching for success.

[She believed she could, so she did.]
 I believe I can be happy, so I am. 
I believe I can succeed, so I am successful. 
I believe I can do big things, so I will.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine throwback.

"Poetic strings of words tied together with the ink of my heart drip solely, passionately for you.
You, my darling, are the inspiration behind the rhythm and rhyme.
My words turn to magic when falling onto the ears of your heart.
No one reads them or feels them like you do, because no one inspires them like you do.
Your love leaves me so fulfilled-
My thoughts are drowned in the pretty lyrics of my soul, all to which I owe you.
This heart has never felt such joy."


Friday, February 11, 2011

A glass half full.

If you have been keeping up with my blog, you will know that through the past month or so I have dealt with an immense amount of stress, pressure and heart ache. Through the course of the new year I have already turned 21 and lost my best friend all in the same day, worked through the worst break up...ever, gotten the flu one week and strep throat the week after, totaled my car...
...And watched life keep moving.

See, that's the thing about life. No matter what you deal with, no matter what you're just keeps moving. Don't sit back and mourn about the bad things that keep happening, life's not stopping to wait for you to get back on your feet. Every day you have a choice. It is your attitude and not the events of each day that determine whether your day is a good or bad day.

Although most would say I have had a pretty yucky month, I am happy to say it has been the most refreshing month of my life. I landed a new job as a nanny on the weekends, and I have learned a lot about myself and a lot about others. I have learned to let the sun set on each day and be done with it. I have learned that I deserve to spend time on just me. I have learned to be thankful for each sunrise. I have learned that peoples' true colors shine through in the midst of an ugly situation. And lastly, I have learned that everything... absolutely everything, happens for a reason.

So as you start your day today, and every other day, start it with an attitude of a glass half full. I promise, you won't regret it.


 Friday, February 4, 2011

Love, actually...

Over the past month I have had some pretty defining moments about love and relationships. Let me enlighten you on what I have learned.

-It can never, ever be forced.
-It is the result of trust. Where there is no trust, there is no love.
-When trust is broken, nothing is ever the same.
-There is no "happily ever after". Every day of a relationship has it's ups and downs.
-Love means complete selflessness.
-No matter how hard I look, I will never find anything that compares to my Father's love.
-It needs care each and everyday.
-Hold it too tight and you'll smother it. Hold it too loosely and you'll let it go.
-A man needs to cherish his girl in every way.
-Every women deserves to be pursued.
-Balance is everything.
-It is not defined by the flowers, chocolates and dinner dates; love is defined in the most difficult moments.
-Contrary to popular belief, we are completely incapable of unconditional love.
-It is not a magical sensation, it's an effort. It is a choice, it doesn't just happen.

Let me tell you what I think love is. It is that attachment resulting from the mere appreciation of the goodness in another person. God created us to see ourselves as good, so that is what we look for in others. We are attracted to good looks, intelligence and humor, and these may be the seeds of love, but they have yet to sprout.  Pure goodness is what moves us to love.

Monday, January 31, 2011

"Someday; really a code word for never."

Today, I made a big decision. I decided that my dreams that seem so far away will not be dreams that never come true. Since I am obsessed with listing things, here is my list of "someday" dreams; dreams that won't let me rest until they come true:
1. I will be a photographer. I will have my own studio. I will be successful with it.
2. I will be happy, no matter the road it takes to get there. I will not take shortcuts.
3. I will find a man that completely embodies everything that I have ever wanted, and I will not settle for anything less, even if that means waiting.
4. I will eventually open my own flower shop. Whether it takes 4 years or 40, it's going to happen.
5. I will travel to Poland. Knowing where I came from is very important to me.
6. I will visit my great Aunt Jola sometime in the very near future.
7. I will be the best big sister I can be for the best little siblings in the world.
8. I will finish writing a journal from cover to cover, filling it with the highs and lows of each and every day of my life. And then start another one.
9. I will learn to play the guitar.
10. I have written several songs; I will put them to music. After I learn to play the guitar, of course!
11. I will take a road trip with no destination. Just get on the interstate
12. I will be the best servant I can be to the King Most High.
13. I will do everything to the very best of my abilities.

I hope that this list inspires you to create your own. I believe that as a college student we get so caught up in the short term goals we are forced to create that we tend to let our long term visions become less important in our lives. Take time to plan out that stuff you only hope to accomplish; make it happen. Dreams don't become reality until you try. Never let "someday" be code word for never.

 Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I don't believe in coincidence. Today, i stumbled upon a poster I made after I went to RUSH camp in 2007 with all sorts of quotes on it that are inspiring to me, specifically right now. I couldn't not share!
Here goes:

-If it be so, my God can and will carry me. And for that, He is even more worthy to be praised.
-Christianity: being willing to fall, being dangerous for God.
-The little things do matter.
-I am a revolutionary; I am willing to risk it all.
-I would rather die than sell out for anyone other than God.
-His love is so much stronger than mine!
-"I will rise above, I will live for love, I will answer to the call."
-Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
-He must become greater and I must become less.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Stormy weather.

Ya know, the one thing (among many) that I love about God is that He has a mighty big way of slapping me in the face. It amazes me. I love how He is that friend who tells you when you're about to step into a situation you don't want to be in, He's the Father who comforts when you're feeling hurt, He is the rescuer when you have gotten yourself in so deep that you can't get out; He is absolutely everything and that has never been more evident in my life than it was this week. He exposed the truth to me, He rescued me, He comforts me, and I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that He is and will always provide for me.

This week has been the hardest week of my life, but today I am strong; I have found joy in this dark place. I thank God for this week. I know that through trials and tribulations is when we are brought closer to Him, and quite frankly I am excited to see where He is going to bring me through this. I know that it is going to hurt, and I know that it isn't going to be easy, but I will praise him because I know He will be with me every single step of the way!

I barely hear You whisper through the rain,
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away.
I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm 

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Hello, yes, I know, new posts two days in a row. Aren't you lucky.

You know those people who listen to music and don't really pay attention to the lyrics? Yeah, that's not me. I have been working all day today and no matter how many ridiculous oldies are played at Curves, I can't seem to get the song "Who Needs Air" by the Classic Crime out of my head. Haven't heard it? Listen to it. Love it? Download it. The lyrics are absolutely brilliant, specifically the lyrics that are playing behind the lead vocals at the end of the song:

I have come to the realization that life is more than what I have accomplished. And life is more than the realization that we have accomplished nothing at all. True success is so selfless so drown in the lyrics of your life and give up the air that you breathe. You don't need anything. I'm drowning, but I don't care. Because when you've got what I got, who needs air? .

What a way to live. I mean, think about it. What would this world be like if we all came to the realization that life is more than what we have accomplished, or haven't accomplished for that matter? We certainly wouldn't have the egotistical millionaires out there who are unable to share a dime of their fortune, or the homeless on the street begging for change. Someones gotta say it; at the end of your life, when you are standing before the Father, what you did on Earth isn't going to matter, except what you do for the glory of His Name. So here's to a challenge... set aside your accomplishments, give up yourself, and drown yourself in the essence of life; The One who gave you life. Give absolutely everything that you've got;
the air that you breathe.

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