About me


I believe in God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He died for me, so I live for Him; a life according to His word, a life I am so undeserving of.
Inamorata of the most exquisite man alive. I have found the one whom my soul loves, and currently live 342 miles away from him. I am who I am because of him, he's changed me for the better. {See 'my Crispy...'}
Twenty something with an old soul. {and the car to match}
Receptionist at Garden Plaza, the most glorious retirement home in all the land.

Distributor for It Works! and part of the most kick butt team, ever!
Avid car singer. And proud of it, babe.
Aspiring photographer. {See 'behind the lens'}

Woman of class; appreciator of Southern Gentlemen. {Especially my southern gentleman}

Lover of glitter and all things leopard print.